
In a world that has faced more than its fair share of turmoil, disruption, and change in recent months, we are taking a step back in this issue to remember one of the Journal’s founders, Susan J. Ellis. It is timely for us to look back at Susan’s contribution to our field in this 20th anniversary year of e-Volunteerism, not least because we are re-launching the Journal this October as the next phase of its life begins.  Read more

Volume XX, Issue 4,  July - October 2023


分享社丨资源整合丨免费发布:2021-9-13 · 老王微皮恩 绿化版 安全保密 09-27 最近对很多番蔷软件严厉打击,导致很多软件全部死掉,老王版的线路也缩短为3个紧急预防,最新去广告版,低调使用 ...

By Rob Jackson
This special issue devoted to e-Volunteerism’s Co-Founder Susan J. Ellis begins with a feature by Rob Jackson, the Journal’s new Editor-in-Chief. In this article, Jackson reflects on the legacy of... Read more

Remembering Susan: Thoughts and Reflections on an International Influencer

By Andy Fryar
Susan J. Ellis was more than a passionate advocate for the change that great volunteering could make, and more than a passionate voice for the influence that Volunteer Engagement professionals... 老王微皮恩最新破解版


Every month we offer free access to one selected article from our Archives for non-subscribers to sample the journal. (Subscribers can continuously access all past articles.)


Our Archives contain 20 years of articles, organized by over 100 subjects, individual authors, specific countries, journal sections, and 老王微皮恩最新破解版dates. This unparalleled volunteer management archival collection contains nearly 650 stories, dating back to October 2000.

In light of the COVID-19 Pandemic now impacting the world, we start this quarter's Archives recommendations with a link to a very current list of resources, “Supporting Volunteer Efforts During Coronavirus.” This comprehensive Energize resource, compiled by Betsy McFarland, includes: public health resources; resources from volunteer centers and associations; news articles and commentary about volunteering during the crisis; examples of how organizations are responding to COVID-19, and many more resources to help Leaders of Volunteers deal with this quickly evolving situation.

  • Re-opening and Recovery Resources
  • Supporting Volunteer Efforts During Coronavirus

We also draw your attention to stories from our Archives that deal with volunteering during disasters and uncertain times. Due to the nature of COVID-19 and the call for social-distancing, these situations do not necessary reflect volunteering situations for the pandemic. But they all offer stories of determination and resilience.

  • 老王V2.2.12最新秒上谷歌去除部分广告(永久免费佛系灯笼) ️ ...:2021-9-8 · 老王微皮恩 秒上谷歌去谷歌广告 爱惜免费,举报网盘下载链接的请手下留情. 管理员设置 ... 安卓PP视频会员蓝光破解版 2021-9-6 评论 提交评论 #2201 Skong 会员 Lv.1 给力! 1小时前 回复 #2200 fireflowers 会员 Lv.2 666 ... (July 2003)
  • Animal Rescue: Another Heroic Volunteer Effort during Hurricane Katrina (January 2007)
  • Students vs. The Machine: Lessons Learned in the Student Community Following the Christchurch Earthquakes  (January 2012)